Have you ever noticed how teenage boys just LOVE to tease their sisters? Without giving out too much detail, let’s just say that I have been observing at quite close quarters, how one such boy will stand in wait to give his sisters a fright. The louder they scream, the bigger the kick that he gets from it! He can spend ages thinking up strategies to press their buttons!
No matter how much I tell them not to rise to the bait, they continue to fall for it every time! Having grown up as the only girl with three older brothers, I simply had to adapt and act impervious to their teasing, otherwise I knew they would never let up! It certainly stood me in good stead when I was working on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and was part of the 1% of women on the market floor at the time!
I’ve suggested he put his time to better use creating other things, but he just loves seeng their reaction! I guess this may change as other girls get more interesting in the years to come! He could be spending this time more productively and could result in better school marks or anything else in line with his goals.
But do teenagers ever really grow up? I’ve observed business owners spending energy figuring out how to press other people’s buttons! My question is: What are you currently focusing on, and is it getting you one step (or a massive leap) closer to what you want? Are you spending time on the productive or unproductive actions? Are you using your ingenuity to beat a system, or to get you closer to your goal?
Are you allowing your time to be wasted getting caught up in the incompetency of head office or another office, or are you focused on what impacts on your business – and making changes that directly affect your bottom line?
There will always be those who tease, press buttons, spend hours trying to get around the system – so we can either join them, allow the buttons to be pressed, or put our focus entirely on productive things.
As I spend time with business owners and leaders, they tell me they all know what they should be doing, but they aren’t doing it. The strategies you ran when your business was really doing well – are you doing those strategies now? Or are you allowing politics, other people or circumstances to affect your focus?
Find something that you can get really excited about, check if it will move you in the direction of your current goal, and then take action.
Press your own button – the one that says ACTION!
Leave the other non-productive behaviour to those who don’t have anything better to do with their time!
If you’re in Perth, I hope you’re joining us THIS THURSDAY to meet Loral Langemeier. If you haven’t yet heard of her, don’t worry, I only heard about her 4 years ago when I first read “The Secret”. Her conversation around money fascinated me as she spoke about the strategies that the wealthy use for investing and building businesses. I’m delighted she accepted my invitation to come to Perth to share her strategies with our clients, colleagues and friends. My invitation to her had one condition – that she meet with a small group of Perthites for an “Up Close and Personal” over some yummy canapes and drinks – and is prepared to share some of the behind the scenes stories that she doesn’t share elsewhere.
I’m finding more and more investors and business owners in Perth who want to connect with other successful people – to have a peer group that they can discuss and mastermind ideas and strategies with. They have been around the block once or twice and want to share some of their expertise, while also sharing the expertise of others for the benefit of their business. Dynamic mentors are crucial if you want to create a great business, but if you’re happy with an average business or life, you probably wouldn’t be interested!
Visit www.evolvedynamic.com for more information. Use discount code YES to get $50 off the VIP ticket price when booking on that page.
Jill Hutchison
Evolve Dynamic Pty Ltd
Dynamic Mastermind Alliance is a division of Evolve Dynamic Pty Ltd
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