Today is Poppy Day (11 November).
I remember (as a child) standing at the local post office selling poppies and collecting money. We lived in a very small town, so it was rather fun to chat to everyone as they went about their daily shopping! I am really grateful to those who have served our country to keep the peace.
This week also marks the 25th anniversary of the falling of the Berlin wall. I heard an interview with a woman who had been there when they were able to go from East Germany into West Germany for the first time in 1989. The wall was built in 1961 and for 28 years imprisoned East Germans in their country.
She said “I hope that people get inspired by this. No goal is too high or too impossible. We thought the Berlin wall was too big to move, but it came down.”
Which of your goals are so big and impossible?
Do you have any? If you don’t have a goal that is scary and exciting right now, you can choose to get one (if we want one.)
What do we need to give up in order to achieve the goal we really want?
While there is no such thing as a free lunch, I do believe that people think it’s going to be harder to achieve their goal than it really is. That they will have to give up more than they are prepared to give up. It’s time to think laterally and ‘outside the box’.
Achieving goals doesn’t always have to take time or money. Sometimes it’s as simple as giving up some of the thoughts we have held onto so tightly, in order to achieve our goals.
This is the most common thing I find in my business coaching practice: allowing people to see which thoughts are holding them back.
The very thoughts, that if they changed them, would allow more options to flow through.
Just as the Berlin Wall stood for 28 years and then came down, which of your thoughts have been in place for 28 years or longer?
Which thoughts have served their time and need to be released? Which of your thoughts are imprisoning you? It’s easy to change them if you know how.
But if they are the thoughts inside your head, they can feel like truth.
When you are in the frame, you can’t see the whole picture.
Make sure you have either a great coach who can assist you to make changes where you would like to. I can help you with that!
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