Remember boys who wanted to hop straight into bed with girls they had only just met? Yeah, I do too… And some business owners remind me of that same awkwardness that occurs when anyone tries to rush a relationship before both parties are ready.
This week’s Chooseday message is for you if you want to get more clients or if your business is not doing as well as you want it to.
In the video I share the insights I’ve learnt about using a marketing funnel and the dating model!
People do business with those they know, like and trust. Your ideal customers are out there. Some are doing business with you. Some just haven’t met you or got to know you yet.
More importantly – some are simply not working with you because you haven’t got a sample of what you offer that they can use.
Have a fun week!
With love and gratitude
PS: Next time you are at a networking function, don’t blame me if you laugh out loud when you recognize what I’m talking about in this video!
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