It’s not the winning teams that whinge about the umpire, the other team or the weather.
Last weekend my daughter’s netball team played really strong opponents – it was evident that this team is “head-and-shoulders” above the other teams. It was a pleasure to watch, even though our team was losing. The mood on the court was so positive – everyone played their very best – they were focused.
Two things I noticed –
Firstly: both teams were so focused on getting their next goal, they didn’t have time to notice what wasn’t going right;
Secondly: Even though my daughters team was short of two players, they were playing their very best – and playing better than they had in other games which they had won. When you play with strong players, you up your own game.
It’s just like business – those that are focused on the task at hand, have a plan, have the strategy and clear targets to reach – and are motivated to do this – get results. They are so busy doing the actions they need to, they don’t have time to whinge or whine about the economy or what the stock market did last night.
Have you noticed that those that congregate around the watercooler in an office are the ones that are complaining, listing all the reasons why times are tough? They will give you the latest bad news story of the day, and probably an update on the latest problem with stock, or the faults of management. Those that are writing the most business are out with their customers – not hanging around seeking sympathy with others.
Maybe you’ve been the winning team, but have taken your eye off the ball lately? Perhaps it’s time to get refocused – and decide what you are going to focus on. Getting clear on your outcomes and the results you want is the first step.
Yes I am well aware of what is happening right now in the economy, the stockmarkets and in real estate. I work with many leaders in real estate both in Australia and in the USA – some of whom are energised and enjoying their best months, and others who are feeling as if it’s the worst time in their career.
What is the difference? The winners are the ones that got clear on what they want, where they want to be, then decided HOW they are going to do it rather than thinking of how they can’t.
You’re not alone in what you’re going through. These are turbulent times (read my article on turbulent waters!) – and those that make the decisions and take the actions are the ones that are going to look back on this period as the turning point to upward growth. NOW is the time to be building relationships, offering outstanding service, and getting ready to take advantage of opportunities.
What do you want? Do you want to be annoyed by cashflow problems, focused on cutting costs, cutting staff, offloading properties – or are you wanting to see new opportunities?
I had a good laugh at one of my voicemail messages – it went something like this : “Jill – I am both thanking you and cursing you for making me think hard and challenging me the way you have – because you have moved my frame of reference! ”
What is your frame of reference? Is it serving you right now? Are you focused on getting by – or are you focused on breaking records? Do you want to survive or thrive?
I love working with business leaders who are needing an injection of positive energy and motivation into their business. Yes you will both curse and thank me – because it’s not always a comfortable journey! But if you really want results, then you already know you need to do something different to get them.
As Wayne Dyer says “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at begin to change.”
So stop asking yourself what you’re doing wrong right now – and ask yourself what it would take to exceed what you’ve done before!
Enjoy your Chooseday,
Kind regards
Jill Hutchison
Get clear, Get Results
Jill Hutchison is an expert masterminder, a qualified LifeSuccess Consultant and accredited NeuroLinguistic repatterning (NLP) Master Coach. She works with business leaders and investors to evolve their life dynamically (hence the name Evolve Dynamic Pty Ltd!)
Based in Perth, Jill has trained with Bob Proctor (from the Hit movie “The Secret”) and with Loral Langemeier – also featured on “The Secret”. Having moved to Australia from South Africa, Jill has had first hand experience of how the masterminding principles that she teaches can work in every situation. Ask Jill for information on the Dynamic Mastermind Alliance
Jill, I love your messages. I would love to change my frame of reference- well actually I have lately since becoming more involved in Live out Loud- and reading your blogs. And do you know what? Things ARE moving in a different direction for me now.
Your blogs are great.
Thanks Christine, glad that you are enjoying them!