How quickly Chooseday comes around each week!
This week I’m talking about the importance of being definite about your goals.
“Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire. It is not sufficient merely to say “I want plenty of money”. Be definite as to the amount. (There is a psychological reason for definite ness which will be described in a subsequent chapter.)”
This is the first of six steps I talked about last week, taken from Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich.
He has spoken about being definite about the amount of money you desire. It’s equally applicable for other things.
If you wish to become more healthy, what exact statement will tell you have achieve this?
It’s not enough to say “I wish to lose weight” as there are a number of ways this could be achieved. You could get really ill and become frail and lose half your body weight, but this isn’t necessarily what you had in mind.
Better to focus on “I’m so happy and grateful now that I can walk up 4 flights of stairs easily and effortlessly” or “I’m so happy and grateful now that I have a toned tummy and look great on the beach”!
If you have all the money you need or want, then decide what else you would like. Would you like more time to spend with family or for travelling?
By the way, money beliefs can also play havoc with our goal setting and achieving. If it feels wrong or upsetting to you to set a larger financial goal than ever before, you could have judgement about riches or making lots of money.
It’s a good idea to spend some time with a good business or life coach to decide if this is in line with your personal values or whether it’s involving beliefs and paradigms that you want to change.
There is a universal law of order, which is important to understand. There is first order, then movement.
By being definite, we create a sense of order first in our own mind, then to everyone around us.
Think of a GPS. You put the destination into your GPS (or google maps!) and you get directions that take you from where you are to where you want to be. Our mind is like our own personal GPS. The only problem is that it’s often set on past destinations or destinations that we don’t even like. Then we wonder why we keep on ending up there!
Being definite about our next destination in life is vitally important. In all areas, from career to relationships. From health to a healthy financial situation. From fun to friendships. Decide exactly what you really, really want.
Allow yourself to be generous with yourself and what you want. Then think of other ways as to how what you want could also help others. If your cup is empty, you can’t give anything to anyone else! If your wallet is empty, you can’t help anyone with money. If you have run yourself down and have no energy, how do you give of your time to others? That’s a whole other topic which I will cover in my future Chooseday messages!
Have a great Chooseday,
With gratitude,
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