Uber has disrupted the taxi industry – it’s using digital to give customers what they want….
AirBnB has provided 60 million bednights – it’s using digital to give customers what they want…
After watching a video, 64% of users are more likely to buy the product online…
Are you going to use digital technology to give your customers what they want?
Or would you prefer to say: I wish I’d used video…?
While this video is about using video in your business, I do mention the need for lifting judgement. This theme seems to make its way through all the coaching that I do – both of business owners and executives and in the strategic facilitation discussions.
It’s often our own self-criticism that keeps us from carrying out a strategy that would make all the difference at work. What would be possible if you took my advice here?
What would be possible if together we decided which videos would really work well for your business?
I love pushing my clients through the terror barrier and seeing the results they get when they get out of their own way, and share their genius with the world.
In case you hadn’t already noticed, the way businesses succeed is changing – and it’s changing fast. You can either wish you’d used video, or you can use it to it’s maximum effect now. (You knew I’d relate this back to Chooseday didn’t you?!)
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