Can someone please tell me why, now that we have a trailer – we still don’t have any more space in the car?
We’re heading off on a camping trip to Augusta (South-West of Western Australia) tomorrow. The car is packed to the hilt, the trailer is bursting at the seams. We don’t have much more than we took on the last camping trip (except for the self-inflating mattress, new gas cooker/BBQ, new fishing rods, new wetsuits and perhaps a few more other bits and pieces that seemed to dive off the shelves into my shopping trolley).
I think I finally ‘get’ the true meaning of the vacuum law of properity, as discussed by my business partner, Bob Proctor, in his book “You Were Born Rich”. You might have heard about the Law of Attraction, but this is just one of several laws of life – just like gravity. You don’t have to believe in gravity for it to work!
The Vacuum law dictates that nature abhors a vacuum. If you create a space in your life, your house or your business, something will come and fill it.
It made me think of our mind – if there is nothing going on, then something will come and fill it for you.
Just like us purchasing our trailer attracted things to fill it. Would you rather positive inspiring ideas fill your mind? Or are you happy it being filled with whatever’s on the news, or your office gossip?
I had this fanciful idea that perhaps we’d be able to put all our luggage and camping gear into the trailer, and have room in the car, and be able to see out the back window for a change! Alas, by creating the space – it gets filled very quickly. Boogy boards, rollerblades, ripstick – and that’s just the stuff I can see! Who knows what went into the suitcases?
There is slightly more room on the back seat, but perhaps that’s because the our three children haven’t got in yet!
It does look marginally better than our last trip – where there wasn’t an ounce of space in the rear. Kayak on the roof, five bicycles off the back. I was starting to feel like one of those cartoon pictures – if you’ve ever seen an old Valiant stationwagon in Africa, with more passengers than it’s supposed to have, chickens on the roof, and barely an inch between the top of the rear wheels and the body of the car – then you might have an idea what I’m talking about!
This looks marginally more organised!
An overseas trip definitely takes less preparation than a local camping trip does! But I am looking forward to the ten days of ‘time-out’ that camping in a tent offers. There is something quite special about getting back to basics, no TV, no computers (will my 13-year old son survive?) – I’ll let you know how it goes!
Whatever you are doing over this Easter weekend, I hope it’s special for you! Spend some time thinking of the true meaning of Easter – and what you’d like it to mean to you and those nearest and dearest to you. Take time to recharge those batteries – and remember to fill your mind with inspiring thoughts!
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