This morning I opened a letter – “FINAL DEMAND” – it said at the top.
My heart started beating faster – what? I pay my bills on time, I make sure that our credit record is kept clean. As I read down the letter I started getting irritated then angry.
This letter was from an Australian telecommunications company (no prizes for guessing which one if you live in Australia! Every country probably has one that everyone loves to complain about!).
I terminated my contract with them in January, was incorrectly billed for early termination fees – after several phonecalls they had agreed a credit note would be passed.
Fortunately I kept note of each call (many lasting well over an hour). And this is not something can be delegated as this company refuses to speak to anyone apart from the account owner!
This morning I have spoken to Diane in Phillipines for 19 minutes, and then onto Andrew, also in the Phillipines in another department. When I got transferred to Andrew, I spend 5 minutes getting my details verified AGAIN, so we start from scratch.
By this time I’ve decided to chill-out and focus on getting a solution – these people are doing the best they can, they simply have large bulky departments that are in need of co-ordinating. I find out that it’s raining near Andrew’s home this morning.!
I refer Andrew to the notes made by Nelly in Manila on February 15th (yes, this is the same Australian company) It’s now 31 minutes into the call and I’m very thankful that I have an hour before my next appointment, and that I’m able to write this article while I’m on hold waiting for Andrew’s supervisor!
Why am I telling you about this? I’m sure you don’t particularly care for the details of my experience with this company – but you have probably experienced something similar several times in your life, right?
Two things:
– How do you choose to respond when this sort of thing happens?
– How do you treat your customers and how do you want them to feel about your company?
There are going to be times when we have to deal with issues that are irritating – or “make us angry”. I put that in inverted commas because nothing actually makes us angry – we get angry from certain stimuli, but it’s actually our choice! When we feel that other things make us angry – or make us happy – then we are not taking responsibility for our own actions. You have total control over how you react to other people and to events or challenges.
It’s now 42 minutes into the call and I’m rather enjoying myself – the call centre music is playing away and I’m warming to my theme for today’s Chooseday message! After all today is Chooseday – and we can choose what we want for our life.
How do you treat your customers when they call your business? Have you defined your personal and company values? Would your clients know your values if you asked them? Emotion is a powerful thing – and if clients have a positive experience with you, they will refer you to others and give you repeat business.
So after 49 minutes on the phone (happy and grateful that I have a speakerphone so that I could use my hands for typing during this time!) – Andrew’s spoken to his supervisor and promised that I should receive a call confirming a full credit note within 48 hours.
I live in hope – until I hear that you can simply go to the industry ombudsman to get action. Why didn’t I do this before I spent nearly an hour on the phone?
We can choose to revel in the fight – and enjoy the justification that others have also experienced such shocking customer service – or we can choose to use our time for more constructive things. We can choose to get irritated and angry – and allow it to ruin our day – or we can choose to get it resolved as soon as is possible, and move on to other things. What would happen if you chose to get really irritated, and talked about it to everyone you dealt with today? What sort of results do you think you would get? Are you likely to feel empowered and up to any challenge?
So I’m going to shut-up about it now – and go and enjoy the rest of my Chooseday!
P.S. Yes, sometimes irritation and anger are emotions that serve you – they might spur you to take action! Be mindful that they don’t hang around too long, however!
Jill Hutchison
Jill Hutchison is the “Tap Your Next Power” Mentor taking successful, driven professionals into their next stage of growth and advancement, the one they have been struggling to see and tap, the one that will throw open the doors to their next opportunity.
Jill connects you to your most powerful self, shifting attitudes, beliefs and actions to spark achievement rapidly by going straight to the issue. She draws out your creativity to craft a goal larger than perhaps imagined.
Now your eyes are open, and the path is clear and straight-forward. Now you tap the full power in you to achieve what’s next for you.
Wayne Dyer: “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at begin to change.
Hey Jilly – Guess what – I got one too – from the Dept of Labour. When I spoke to the lady whose name was on the top for enquiries, know what she said ” Ungaas – I only send out the letters”. No stress – ” I’m sure you don’t particularly care for the details of my experience with this company – but you have probably experienced something similar several times in your life, right?” – feel the same as you.
Good to hear your news
Yes, you are so right Jill. I have had similar experience with presumably that SAME telco- it went on for weeks………..just to get a phone connected. You would think that they would JUMP at the chance. But it seems like they are bi-polar or something- every time you speak to them, you have to start from the beginning. They promise to call back and they dont. It takes staying power and patience to get through with these guys. I went with them because they are the Australian one, their lines someone once said are “bomb proof”. But I stayed and I stayed the distance. Cant say I am all that happy with the service that never quite got properly set up in the end. Yes, I went to Ombudsman for another issue I had- same as your one with another phone company. Sounds like they are all the same really. I got $300 back from THAT company- not because of the ombudsman but because I started writing to the press. Word of mouth has more clout it seems than the Ombudsman!! This latest one DID give me $100 off for my trouble. Hmmm. Worth it- not really. I am about to go through the trauma again. Maybe here comes $200 do you think?
Hi Jill
Thank you for your chooseday message. Woke up still feeling irritated by the service, atttitude etc I received in a shop yesterday plus the feeling that the top I bought may not be quite the right colour for me plus not really wanting to be shopping anyway!! However your chooseday message was just right for me yet again. I really enjoy reading them and they give my day a lift or cause me to think. Thank you so much.