Happy Chooseday
“It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.”
– Vince Lombardi – 1913-1970, Football Coach
Life is full of ups and downs. We can either use them as excuses, or like riding a wave, use the surges to push us forward. If you are thinking about what 2015 has in store for you, come and join me to set new goals. How you ‘get up’ is determined by how excited you are by your goals.
Next week is the start of my next Think and Grow Rich series.
Who is it for?
Men and women who want to achieve major goals this year
Business owners who would like more time or more profits
Team leaders or Managers who would like to get more from your team
Professionals who would like more fulfillment
Coaches who want to make more of a difference this year
Why Think and Grow Rich?
I like Think and Grow Rich because it is packed with inspiring stories of ordinary people who achieved great goals. Many of them have left a legacy that continues today. Even though they were ‘knocked down’ by disabilities or business failures, they got back up and kept going.
When reading Think and Grow Rich chapter by chapter, as part of a group, it comes alive. We are able to apply it to our careers and businesses. Most importantly, when we discussed within the mastermind what we planned to take action on, we had an accountability factor that ensured we carried out the actions! It makes a huge difference.
What I love most…. is that as you read it, you realize Napoleon hill is not just talking about riches in money, he is talking about riches in every area of our life. While some of it is hard hitting action stuff, there is also reference to intuition, visualizing and dreaming. It encompasses every facet of what it takes to succeed.
Book here: www.evolvedynamic.com
It’s for you if you are ready to set new goals and reach for them, even if you don’t quite know how you are going to get there.
Even if you have been “knocked down”, it’s time to get up and get going.
Have a great Chooseday-Tuesday,
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