“Jill opens my mind to other possibilities. She listens extremely well, and when she does talk, look out, it’s to the point and more importantly to the root of the problem or dilemma you are trying to figure out! Her advice is spot on. When my 14 year old daughter was wondering how she was going to put her ‘Study Guide’ for her published book together, Jill was able to get us to back up, do some research, and pilot the project. Otherwise we would have just gone on with it and might have missed the mark. We are on target and appreciate her input during all stages of our product development.”
Mary Ellen Lee, mother of Dakota Lee, author of Flash of Freedom
A great business coach helps you find solutions quickly and easily. The process brings the fun back into business! Jill Hutchison is experienced in helping people find solutions for any challenge. Create the business you desire, with EvolveDynamic!
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