“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”
As a student, several years ago, I heard a talk –
“We have taken over this company, it’s nearly bankrupt but we see the potential.
Staff – tell us what you think we can do (that won’t cost any money) to get more customers.”
The answers were surprising, although in retrospect, perhaps obvious.
One of the ideas that came through that brainstorming session was to always spell peoples names correctly.
Was that going to cost anything? No.
Was it possible that it might keep existing and prospective customers happy if all documentation has their correctly spelt name on it? Absolutely.
“More important is the RESPECT displayed by such attention to detail and the way in which this permeates the whole system” said Tom Ansley, who took over Elliott International in South Africa, over 30 years ago.
They moved Elliott from bankruptcy to number one in the world in eight years.
This talk made a big impact on me. (Sometimes you don’t know whose lives you’re impacting! I contacted Tom last week – and he was touched that his talk in 1990 had made such an impression on me!)
Tom Ansley talks about the early days:
“As for the short term results of those early and elementary steps, they were not huge but there was a quick and remarkable change in the ATTITUDE of our people.
They knew I was deeply interested in their well being and their development in the company and they were enthusiastic about applying such simple and elementary principles as spelling peoples names correctly, answering the telephone within 3 rings, using the “please” and “thank you’s” when dealing with one another etc.
All of this made a huge difference to the morale of the company and led, in the long term, to Elliott receiving a most prestigious industry award from London.”
“I’ve told many audiences in South Africa and all over the world, it is those simple principles, applied with enthusiasm and commitment by everyone, especially by me, which contributed largely to the massive development of ELLIOTT in those difficult but exciting times.
Many valuable ideas originated from those meetings with our people when I encouraged them to make a difference by participating in the discussions in an open and honest way. We learned, for example, that it is the business appreciating the value of never failing to return telephone calls which will endure.
The way in which we talk to customers, always with that smile and enthusiasm in the voice, makes a huge difference. We want to leave everyone who calls us or who visits our offices with the indelible impression that doing business with Elliott is a special and “customer friendly” experience.
Old fashioned?? Sure thing – but it still works in the modern age of technology!!!!!”
We can get all the theory and teaching about building businesses and increasing profit, being happy or achieving your goals – but there are also some really basic common-sense principles that apply to every aspect of our lives.
Do you care enough about your customers or those around you?
Do you have an attitude of respect for yourself and others?
Do you want profits enough?
Enough to pay attention to this detail?
(have we spelt your name correctly today?!)
Enjoy the rest of your Chooseday, with special thoughts to those in Christchurch, New Zealand after the earthquake today.
Kind regards
Jill Hutchison
Business Mindset Coach Click here for testimonials
Attitude Adjustment Specialist
Evolve Dynamic Pty Ltd
Perth, Australia
Vallaydam says
“”They moved Elliott from bankruptcy to number one in the world in eight years””
This couuld have been easily achieved in South Africa considering that there was unrest in Soweto and the likes. The professionals and trades people were leaving South Africa in droves. Elliott and other comnpanies at the time capatilised on the unrest and at the same time the slave labour they hired. At one time they paid packers a paultry $5.00 to $10.00 per day. A wage that us well below the poverty line. I know this first hand as I am an ex South African who has achieved the same in Australia over a 30 year period. I challenge any business person to achieve what Mr. Ansley achieved in South Africa in the likes of Australia and the real world………It will never be done. So they have a lot to answer for when they say they became number one in 8 years.